Upcoming Events September 2015
TCF Culinary Cultural Tour of Safranbolu
"Saffron Harvest at the Land of the Golden Plant"
Safranbolu, Turkey: 24-25 October, 2015
For more information, visit here

Krakow - POLAND
Date: September 11-13, 2015
Presentation: “Characterization of Dyes, Metal Threads, and Silk Yarns from 16th-18th Century Ottoman Silk Brocades” by Dr. Recep Karadağ, TCF Cultural Heritage and Natural Dyes Laboratory-DATU at the “Textiles of the Silk Road: Design and Decorative Techniques from Far East to Europe” Conference
Place: Manggha Museum of Japanese Art and Technology, Krakow
Information: http://manggha.pl/news/30

Istanbul - TURKEY
Date: September 15, 2015
TCF - YESAM Lecture: "The Importance of Pickles in Turkish Cuisine" by Sema Temizkan
Place: TCF Culinary Arts Center - YESAM
Information: http://www.yemeksanatlari.org/en/upcoming-events.htm
Lecture will be presented in Turkish.

Naples - ITALY
Date: September 16-18, 2015
Conference: Paper presentation by Dr. Muzaffer Özgüleş, Zeynep Atbaş, Sibel Arça, İlknur Altın, Selda Alp, and Ömür Tufan at the 15th International Congress of Turkish Art (ICTA)
Place: Basilica of San Giovanni Maggiore
Information: https://sites.google.com/site/15thicta/program
Dr. Muzaffer Özgüleş, Zeynep Atbaş, Sibel Arça, İlknur Altın, Selda Alp, and Ömür Tufan are recipients of the 2015 TCF Fellowship in Turkish Culture and Art.

Istanbul - TURKEY
Date: September 08 - October 31, 2015
Group Exhibition: Semra Özümerzifon's works at "Energy For Life 50x50" Group Exhibition at ARMAGGAN Art & Design Gallery
Place: ARMAGGAN Art & Desgin Gallery, Nuruosmaniye Cad. No:65 Istanbul
Information: https://www.armaggangallery.com/en/
Semra Özümerzifon has been a featured artist at the TCF/ARMAGGAN Art and Design Gallery Turkish Modern Art Exhibition at SOFA.

The events listed on this newsletter require registration or invitation. For more information on how to attend, please visit the provided links.

For a listing of Turkish cultural events around the world, visit the TCF Calendar.

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